Upcoming Classes

pinch pot workshop flyer.jpg

A pinch pot is an ancient as well as contemporary form of potter. It is a simple form of pottery.  The pinching method is a means to create pottery that can be ornamental or functional, and has been widely employed across cultures and times. Producing pinch pots is the most direct method people have of interacting with clay. We push, and the clay responds. We pinch, and again the clay responds. We can learn a huge amount simply through the experience of directly modifying the clay's form. It is a great way to introduce a person to clay. Pinching clay can teach us tactile sensitivity. Through this process, we more easily learn to rely on our fingers to tell us information about the clay. We can develop a kinetic awareness of form and of the thickness of walls and floors. This tactile awareness will enhance our pottery skills across the board. Through creating pinch pots, we can continue to refine our ability to work by touch, rather than by sight alone. In this class we will be learning how to make small pinch pots either functional or abstract. 80$ due at time of class all materials included and WINE and BEER served!
